My name is Sylvia Domack and I graduated in technical sciences (electromagnetic fields, motors and devices) at University RWTH Aachen and in Business Management Administration. In my career I managed large international projects worldwide. I was project leader and had various management positions. I applied and implemented successfully many different methods to gain progess and reached all my goals. Later I also worked as Human Resource Manager and know, how to run a company efficiently and what skills are necessary for crucial positions.
At a turning point in my life I decided to follow the path of my heart. It was my inner calling and I know about the challenges of huge changes. Therfore since 2003, I continued my studies and research in the field of coaching, supervision and psychotherapy. I decided to dedicate myself intensively in medicine and alternative healing methods. This is the reason why I support, guide and advise others in very different and sometimes very difficult situations. I work as a personnel consultant, healer and coach for many people to help them to overcome difficult situations. My main activities are:
It is very important to me, to assist you in your situation. My goal is to enable you to change your life in a positive way and being more aware how to reach your ideas and overcome your blocking life patterns, before they may cause serious health disorders or other difficult situations.
Wir können den Wind nicht ändern, aber die Segel anders setzen. - Aristoteles
BizzHealth Consulting - Dr.-Ing. Sylvia Domack, An den Weiden 12, 60433 Frankfurt, Germany
Tel. +49 (0)69 95202444, Fax. +49 (0)69 95202445, e-mail: info(at)